2022: The Year You Had to Rethink Your Home Buying Strategy

Elliot Adler San Diego
3 min readDec 27, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate, the year 2022 emerged as a pivotal moment, reshaping the way individuals approached home buying. From the influence of technological advancements to the impact of global events, several factors converged to redefine the strategies employed by prospective homeowners. In this article, we’ll delve into the key trends and shifts that characterized the real estate market in 2022, prompting individuals to reconsider and adapt their home buying approaches.

Technology Takes Center Stage

The integration of technology into the home buying process reached new heights in 2022. Virtual tours, augmented reality applications, and 3D floor plans became not just desirable but necessary tools for prospective buyers. The ongoing global pandemic played a significant role in accelerating the adoption of these technologies, as lockdowns and restrictions limited physical property visits.

Buyers, sellers, and real estate agents alike embraced virtual platforms to conduct property tours and consultations. Virtual reality (VR) headsets allowed potential buyers to immerse themselves in a lifelike walkthrough of a property without leaving their homes. This shift towards digitalization not only increased convenience but also widened the reach of real estate transactions, enabling buyers to explore properties beyond their immediate geographical location.

Remote Work Influences Location Preferences

The rise of remote work in 2022 led to a reevaluation of the importance of location in home buying decisions. With the ability to work from anywhere, individuals sought homes in areas that prioritized lifestyle and personal preferences over proximity to a physical office. Suburban and rural areas experienced increased demand as people gravitated towards spacious homes with outdoor amenities, away from the hustle and bustle of urban centers.

Homebuyers started to prioritize properties with dedicated home offices and spaces conducive to remote work. The traditional commuter belt around major cities saw a surge in interest as individuals aimed to strike a balance between the convenience of city amenities and the tranquility of suburban life.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

The year 2022 marked a growing emphasis on sustainable and energy-efficient homes. With an increased awareness of environmental issues, homebuyers sought properties with green features such as solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and smart home technologies. The desire for eco-friendly living extended beyond personal values, as buyers recognized the long-term cost savings associated with energy-efficient homes.

Developers responded to this trend by incorporating sustainable practices into new constructions. From eco-friendly materials to energy-efficient design, the real estate landscape evolved to align with the growing demand for environmentally conscious living. Government incentives and tax breaks for sustainable home improvements further fueled this shift towards greener real estate options.

Rise of Non-Traditional Financing Options

In 2022, the real estate market witnessed a departure from traditional financing routes. With the skyrocketing prices of homes, especially in desirable locations, prospective buyers explored alternative financing options to make homeownership more accessible. Shared equity arrangements, crowdfunding, and rent-to-own programs gained popularity as individuals sought creative ways to enter the housing market.

The emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) also played a role in transforming the financing landscape. Blockchain technology and smart contracts facilitated peer-to-peer transactions, reducing the reliance on traditional financial institutions. This decentralized approach not only streamlined the buying process but also introduced new levels of transparency and security to real estate transactions.

Impact of Global Events on Market Dynamics

The year 2022 was not without its challenges, as global events influenced market dynamics and buyer behavior. Supply chain disruptions, inflationary pressures, and geopolitical uncertainties had a cascading effect on the real estate market. The fluctuating economic landscape prompted individuals to reassess their financial positions and adjust their home buying timelines.

Interest rate fluctuations, a common response to economic uncertainties, played a crucial role in shaping buyer decisions. As interest rates fluctuated, potential homeowners weighed the benefits of locking in a mortgage at a lower rate against the risk of waiting for more favorable market conditions.

The year 2022 presented a dynamic and transformative landscape for homebuyers. Technological advancements, changing work dynamics, sustainability considerations, innovative financing options, and global events converged to reshape the strategies employed by individuals navigating the real estate market. As we step into the future, these trends are likely to continue influencing how we approach the concept of home and redefine the very essence of homeownership.



Elliot Adler San Diego

Elliot Adler San Diego's excellent managerial understanding and comprehensive real estate knowledge made him a highly accomplished and respected figure.